Thursday, August 12, 2010

Summer Internship Is Over- Farewell to Sarah

Yesterday was Sarah’s last day at Goldman Sachs Salt Lake office as a summer intern and for her not a moment too soon! While the summer was a little boring, the pay was the best in the country, the office cool and rent was great. We’re happy that she can move on to two weeks of vacation at home and sunny Bear Lake and then down to her favorite learning institution, BYU.

I suppose most students are glad when summer is over and school is back in session. Who else is glad that school is about to start?


  1. Thank you so much for the great summer home you gave to Sarah. She loved tasting all of your new dishes, and delighted in the quiet, cool rooms. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    I'm only sort of glad that school is starting again. I feel like I ran at full speed all summer and could use about a month of just going to the park and reading aloud to the kids. Good thing we at least got 5 days at Bear Lake with no phone and no computers!

  2. I'm glad to finally be beginning my three weeks of summer. Right now, I'm not ready to go back after Labor day, but by then, maybe I will be. I'm usually ready for school when it comes.
