Monday, June 28, 2010

Arise and Shine Forth

Elizabeth and Hannah get to be in a huge youth event up here in Ogden on July 17th. There are 30 stakes and approximately 3500 youth involved. But we're not exactly sure how many youth because oddly enough the number is different every practice. Steve and I got called to serve as our stake logistics (advertising, carpools and general herding) specialists.

Go check out the pictures and scroll down and you will see both girls. The music is great too! Like a free EFY CD.


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Summertime Blues

This is what is going on this summer at the Farley house. What is happening in your house this summer?

Where's Waldo?

Doug and I participated in a "where's waldo" YM/ YW activity in our ward this week. Caleb and Mary both passed us in the mall where we were "hiding" and did not even recognize us. It wasn't until other people in their groups saw us and recognized us. We were pushing a stroller with a doll in it. I think that confused the groups also. A store clerk in Nordstrom saw us and asked if our baby was sleeping and I said "no, our baby is FAKE! We really don't look like this in real life either." It was pretty funny!

p.s. This is not our real hair. It is fake, just like the baby. Doug's earring is fake too.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Elder Mabey says Good Bye To Big Rapids

We got a letter from Thomas today that said he was being transfered to the second largest city in Michigan. He isn't sad to leave Big Rapids, but he recognizes that he learned valuable lessons in the three months he was there. He loved his last companion, Elder Hunt. They worked hard and had fun while they were doing it. Here is a quote from his letter:

It’s crazy how hard it is to get people to pick up the book and read it. That’s how Dawn was this transfer. She said that she believed in everything we were saying besides Joseph Smith, but she wouldn’t read the Book of Mormon because she knew it wasn’t true. It’s hard to tell people what they are missing out on without offending them. In the future I plan on emphasizing the question "what if it were true? How important would that be for you?" it really is a crazy story. Everything about Mormonism is nuts. I know because I have researched a bunch of other religions. That’s why it’s so important to know if it’s true so you're not just wasting your time with some bogus story. Because if Joseph Smith really saw what he said he did, then that means Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that his church is again on the earth. And all revelations given since that time are true as well- pretty intense stuff. And that being true it means that as members of the church we have a huge responsibility to spread the gospel, which literally means good news, to everyone that will listen.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lake Powell

Still recovering from the Tidwell Lake Powell trip. We all had a lot of fun. We even all made it to the top of Hole in the Rock!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Beginning Ballroom Dance

Elizabeth and Hannah took a beginning ballroom dance class. BYU Ambassadors they are not, but it's still fun to watch. Especially when the music cuts out and they keep going. Oh and when Elizabeth dances with air.

Have a fun day!